Dog on Lead


At Bremer Bay Caravan Park, we welcome pets, but there are times when pets are not allowed.

We understand that you love having your pets come on holidays with you too and pets are welcome at the Bremer Bay Caravan Park for specific periods of the year.

We do not accept pets from the 20th of December through till the 1st of February Or the 4-day Easter break.

To ensure that you & all our other guests enjoy their time at our park, we must ensure that all pet owners take full responsibility for their pet and ensure that the pet does not disturb other guests in any way when on our property.

Please read the information below to ensure you and your pet can meet the following conditions:

  • Please discuss bringing your dog at time of making your booking 2 pets maximum
  • No Pets at all allowed in any Chalet or Cabins
  • Under no circumstances are pets permitted in the amenity blocks or campers kitchen
  • Pets are only allowed to enter the property of other guests if prior consent is given and if guests are staying on sites
  • When in the park, pets must be kept on a leash at all times. A leash must be no more than two metres in length. No dog ‘runs’ are to be operated by dog owners within the park.
  • As the owner of the pet, you are responsible for the cleaning up after your pet which also includes toilet duties too! Our caravan park has assisted you in doing this by installing 3 posts conveniently located throughout the park which will provide you with disposable biodegradable ‘doggy poop bags.’ Please make sure the bag is then sealed and disposed of in one of our bins.
  • For health and safety reasons, pets are not allowed in any common areas of the park, including camp kitchens, amenities, playgrounds, reception, or any public areas.
  • No barking or yapping allowed from your dog.
  • Pets must be supervised at all times and never left unattended.
  • Bremer Bay Caravan Park management reserve the right to disallow any pet into their property, which they deem not appropriate to stay at the caravan park.
  • All pet owners, whether you have expressly agreed or not, assume all liability regarding your pet being on our premises and indemnify us against all and any damages, all or any claims or other suits that may arise as a result of your pet being anywhere in our caravan park.
  • The pet owner must agree that the Park Manager reserves the right to evict any guests whose pet is deemed noisy, disruptive, and aggressive or the subject of a complaint/s from other guests.
  • It is the pet owner’s sole responsibility to control and manage their pet. If in the view of park management if this has not happened at an acceptable level, the owner/s and the pet may be evicted from the park immediately.